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High Performance Nano-scale Superparamagnetic Beads


EmerTher superparamagnetic beads have a solid core consisting of iron oxide clusters, coated with a hydrophilic layer, making it a superior tool to purify biomolecules. In contrast, many other magnetic products are micron sized polymer particles loaded with scattered superparamagnetic iron oxide particles.


Advantages of our magnetic bead products over similar products:

  • Solid core with iron oxide clusters ---> Fast magnetic response, fast separation

  • Excellent hydrophilicity ---> high binding specificity, low non-specific binding, excellent extraction effect

  • Nano-scale --->  Large surface area, superior efficiency in isolation and purification of molecules

  • Monodisperse beads ---> Easy disperse, long-lasting suspension stability


Experience high efficiency and throughput brought by EmetTher magnetic products 

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Fast, Simple and Efficient Extraction Process Using EmetTher Magnetic Beads


Simple and efficient experiment procedure


  1. Mix sample with magnetic beads, targeted molecules are specifically bound to the beads. For DNA and RNA, a lysis-binding solution is included to enable cell lysis, release and binding of DNA/RNA to magnetic beads in the first step;

  2. Apply magnetic force enabling easy wash of the beads with buffers;

  3. Elution of targeted molecules from the beads.


Targeted molecules: Protein, DNA and RNA, etc.


​Purification of DNA and RNA


  • High-speed: EmetTher DNA and RNA extraction processes are simpler and more efficient than other products on the market.

  • Convenience: whole process can be performed at room temperature; digestion of some samples using protease is not needed; pre-packed 96-well plates for complete automation

  • High stability: DNA and RNA are very stable during the extraction process. 

  • Eco-friendly: do not contain hazardous organic solvents

  • Biosafety: cell lysis, protein deactivation, and DNA/RNA release occur at the first step; therefore, virus and bacteria, if any in the samples, are deactivated. 

  • Automation: no liquid-liquid mixing and separation process; therefore, the whole process can be easily automated.

  • High yield and high purity: use DNA as an example, typically 1-10 μg DNA can be extracted from 200 μl of whole blood with OD260/280 = 1.6-1.9 and  OD260/230> 1.0.



Protein Purification


  • Magnetic Separation – Fast response, complete purification process within 30 min, no chromatograph, no centrifugation, maximally preserve protein activity

  • Excellent Suspension Ability  – Nanometer scale, rapid conversion from solid-phase to solution and vice versa

  • High Binding Capacity – efficient coupling, higher binding surface area

  • Low non-specific Binding –hydrophilic microspheres, low non-specific binding

  • Fully compatible with automation  and LC-MS/MS analyses


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