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Magnetic Viral DNA Extraction Kit


EmerTher® Magnetic Viral DNA Extraction Kit is used for extraction of viral DNA from liquid samples, such as blood, plasma, swab specimen, etc. 


The kit is composed of superparamagnetic nanoparticles and an efficient extraction reagent system. With unique surface modification, the magnetic beads form strong binding with nucleic acids and also enable easy elution. 


The experiment procedure is simple and efficient: 

1) add sample to a lysis-binding buffer to enable cell lysis, DNA release and DNA binding to magnetic beads; 2) apply magnetic force enabling easy wash of the beads with wash solutions; 3) elute DNA from the beads using an elution solution. 

Purified DNA can be directly used for subsequent experiments. The whole procedure is fully compatible with automation. 




  • High-speed: fast DNA extraction process.

  • Safety: inactivate microorganisms at the first step to avoid the spread of infectious substances.

  • Performance: stable and consistent extraction efficiency.

  • Automation: no liquid-liquid mixing or centrifugation process; therefore, the whole procedure can be easily automated. 


Compatible Instrments 


Pre-filled plates can be used on Emerther® automatic nucleic acid extraction instruments and are also compatible with most other nucleic acid extraction instruments on the market: ThermoFisher MagMax Express, Kingfisher Flex, Tecan, Hamilton, Beckman Biomek Liquid Handler.

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Bottle Format



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Components of the Kits
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Compatible instruments
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